I'm done with my ear fixing. But now I have to wait a bit to be sure I'm ok. I'm playing games on my Nabi with Daddy. But I want to get this big thing off my arm and go home.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Fix my ears time
Here I go. Time for a ride on the bed with wheels....
Ear tubes on my heart day
It’s been 6 years today since Dr. F fixed up my little tiny heart. I don’t remember it, and Mommy thinks that’s a good thing. Here’s what Mommy wrote about it last year… there’s pictures there. (Don’t cry Grandma C. I’m ok now, ‘member??)
Today, I will remember what I have to do, though. I have to go get my ears fixed so they will quit keeping water and stuff in there when they should let it out. So I’m getting new tubes in there. We have to be there WAY early, that’s why I’m up before the sun.
I don’t like to go to the hospital, but I’ll try to be good. Kinlee got to go to Grandma C’s house for a sleepover tonight, and I don’t think that’s fair. Mommy says I can take a turn one day soon.
I’ll let you know how it goes today. I’m used to going to sleep at the hospital while they fix things like my eyes and my ears and my heart and some stuff in my throat. I told Mommy that I just want to stay home. But she said not this time.
I hope they don’t give me that stuff that makes me feel all droopy after I wake up. But I bet they will. Mommy says it’s better that way, but it’s no fun to feel like that. If you want to say some prayers that I will wake up in a happy mood, that would be nice of you.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Tomorrow=Heart day + ear day.
Tomorrow is Braska’s 6th heart day. She’s been all fixed up, cardiologically, for 6 years now. Hard to imagine.
To celebrate, we’re going to take her back to the hospital and put her under general anesthesia just for fun.
But she is going under. She’s having new T-tubes put in tomorrow morning. We report to Children’s at 5:45am.
I get up at 5am each weekday morning, but to get up and ready, get her up, and drive the 30 mins to the hospital, all by 5:45… that makes the morning a little earlier. Here’s hoping I sleep well in the next 6.5 hours.
Have a great Thursday!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Simulpost: What? A post? Don’t pass out…
I know I’ve been MIA. I know that my readership is basically nil. But I know there are a few of you who may still happen by.
So in this moment, as I sit at McD’s after a very healthy and balanced lunch, I’ll pause to post instead of logging in to work for a few minutes. Don’t you feel special?
Wait. Maybe you want to wait til after you see what overly-awesome and super-interesting things I have to share first. Then you can be the judge of it all.
Why am I at McD’s? Good question. It’s not a place you find me often at all. But it’s close to both of the schools where my girls are this afternoon, and I didn’t have a long period to go do something involved, so lunch and some quick internet time was about what fit.
Both schools? And in the afternoon? Don’t they go to the same school and isn’t it half-day for mornings? Well, let me back up a bit. We’ll see if I can get it explained in the few minutes I have left.
Oops… Happy Valentines Day. Didn’t want to miss that. I am thankful for all my online valentines.
Now, the backstory. Over Christmas break we started the process of “dual enrollment” for Braska, so she could attend an elementary school in our local district in the afternoon while continuing to go to her half-day kindergarten in the mornings. The process has been beautifully smooth. We are really blessed, I admit. The team at C School is wonderful, they basically let me set up her schedule exactly like I wanted, and I’m really pleased. We’re doing this just to boost her in the areas she’s struggling with. And so we can get some additional therapies as well. We’ve been on our own with therapies since August, and much of that time she’s had none. She’s doing GREAT at LWCS, but some concepts are hard for her (math!!), so this is what I thought might give her some help.
She’s just going to be in special ed in the afternoons. There’s 5 boys in there. That’s the whole class. She’ll love that! She’s a fan of boys, especially since one of her faves is in there, too. She’ll go to specials (art, music, etc) IF she doesn’t need to have a therapy during that time. My priorities are academic instruction and therapies. I don’t worry any about inclusion in that environment because she’s with her gen ed class all morning and she does specials then. I like that it’s a lot like tutoring in the afternoons, with therapy thrown in. What’s not to like, if you ask me! She’ll go Tues, Weds, Thurs for the afternoons. We’ve moved her private OT, ST, and PT to Monday afternoons or Friday afternoon. (Plus, of course, cheer on Sun and Mon evenings, swim on Friday evenings. Cheer competitions on Sat or Sun once or twice a month and Learning Program on Saturday once a month, too. So she’s all booked up.)
So today is Braska’s first day of attending C School in the afternoon, going directly from pick-up at LWCS to C School.
This morning I took both girls to school at LWCS where they both go 5 half-days each week. They love it. I love it. It’s awesome. Period. Can’t even tell you how much I love that place. I dropped them off at 8. Should have gone to work for a couple hours, but decided (with my boss’s permission) to forego trying to get out there, set up, work for maybe 45 minutes, then tear down and leave again to get back for the Valentine’s parties in both girls’ rooms. So I went to WM to get pink icing, my contribution to Braska’s party, per assignment. I also picked up a precious pot of tulips for B’s teacher and a little mini-rosebush for K’s teacher. And a super neat bright bouquet for the office staff/principal.
Got back to school in time to deliver each of the florals, then off to set up for B’s party. Then bounce across to K’s party a couple doors down and around the corner. And back and forth. Repeat. Both girls had a great time. We packed everything up and headed out at dismissal. Drove across town to F School and dropped Kinlee.
F School is a local church preschool/parent’s day out program that she went to occasionally last year. We like the people there a lot. So nice. And since Braska “gets to go” to a second school, Kinlee decided she wanted to as well. She got some money for her birthday last weekend, and this is what she likes to use it for. Win-win.
So we dropped Kinlee and her lunch box right in time for lunch with her friends. And in time for the second Valentine’s party of the day. She’ll be there til I get her on the way home from Braska’s pick-up.
Then it was on to C School. I fed B in the car (lucky for me she loves greek yogurt. woo.) and in she went. Her buddy Jack is in her class at C School, and it was so funny to see him look up and see her walk in. Totally like, “Huh? What are YOU doing here?” She went right to the bead toys and activities and didn’t even look back to see where I was.
So I came to McDonald’s to spend an hour eating some lunch and waiting til time to return to Braska’s class Valentine’s Day party in a few minutes.
All fits just perfectly, right?!?
Tonight, I may collapse. But then again, this kind of day is more the norm than a rarity lately. I drive almost 100 miles a day often, and that’s not even leaving the county. Most of that is east and west and east and west on 70. Thankfully, most everything is right off of the interstate, which makes it easy. Just repetitive.
We’re going to get Daddy’s favorite pizza for dinner, watch Beauty and the Beast with the girls (their first time!) and head to bed early. Sounds like a lovely Valentine’s evening.
Time to head to the 3rd party of the day… hugs to all your valentines!
Mommy Simulpost: What? A post? Don’t pass out…
I know I’ve been MIA. I know that my readership is basically nil. But I know there are a few of you who may still happen by.
So in this moment, as I sit at McD’s after a very healthy and balanced lunch, I’ll pause to post instead of logging in to work for a few minutes. Don’t you feel special?
Wait. Maybe you want to wait til after you see what overly-awesome and super-interesting things I have to share first. Then you can be the judge of it all.
Why am I at McD’s? Good question. It’s not a place you find me often at all. But it’s close to both of the schools where my girls are this afternoon, and I didn’t have a long period to go do something involved, so lunch and some quick internet time was about what fit.
Both schools? And in the afternoon? Don’t they go to the same school and isn’t it half-day for mornings? Well, let me back up a bit. We’ll see if I can get it explained in the few minutes I have left.
Oops… Happy Valentines Day. Didn’t want to miss that. I am thankful for all my online valentines.
Now, the backstory. Over Christmas break we started the process of “dual enrollment” for Braska, so she could attend an elementary school in our local district in the afternoon while continuing to go to her half-day kindergarten in the mornings. The process has been beautifully smooth. We are really blessed, I admit. The team at C School is wonderful, they basically let me set up her schedule exactly like I wanted, and I’m really pleased. We’re doing this just to boost her in the areas she’s struggling with. And so we can get some additional therapies as well. We’ve been on our own with therapies since August, and much of that time she’s had none. She’s doing GREAT at LWCS, but some concepts are hard for her (math!!), so this is what I thought might give her some help.
She’s just going to be in special ed in the afternoons. There’s 5 boys in there. That’s the whole class. She’ll love that! She’s a fan of boys, especially since one of her faves is in there, too. She’ll go to specials (art, music, etc) IF she doesn’t need to have a therapy during that time. My priorities are academic instruction and therapies. I don’t worry any about inclusion in that environment because she’s with her gen ed class all morning and she does specials then. I like that it’s a lot like tutoring in the afternoons, with therapy thrown in. What’s not to like, if you ask me! She’ll go Tues, Weds, Thurs for the afternoons. We’ve moved her private OT, ST, and PT to Monday afternoons or Friday afternoon. (Plus, of course, cheer on Sun and Mon evenings, swim on Friday evenings. Cheer competitions on Sat or Sun once or twice a month and Learning Program on Saturday once a month, too. So she’s all booked up.)
So today is Braska’s first day of attending C School in the afternoon, going directly from pick-up at LWCS to C School.
This morning I took both girls to school at LWCS where they both go 5 half-days each week. They love it. I love it. It’s awesome. Period. Can’t even tell you how much I love that place. I dropped them off at 8. Should have gone to work for a couple hours, but decided (with my boss’s permission) to forego trying to get out there, set up, work for maybe 45 minutes, then tear down and leave again to get back for the Valentine’s parties in both girls’ rooms. So I went to WM to get pink icing, my contribution to Braska’s party, per assignment. I also picked up a precious pot of tulips for B’s teacher and a little mini-rosebush for K’s teacher. And a super neat bright bouquet for the office staff/principal.
Got back to school in time to deliver each of the florals, then off to set up for B’s party. Then bounce across to K’s party a couple doors down and around the corner. And back and forth. Repeat. Both girls had a great time. We packed everything up and headed out at dismissal. Drove across town to F School and dropped Kinlee.
F School is a local church preschool/parent’s day out program that she went to occasionally last year. We like the people there a lot. So nice. And since Braska “gets to go” to a second school, Kinlee decided she wanted to as well. She got some money for her birthday last weekend, and this is what she likes to use it for. Win-win.
So we dropped Kinlee and her lunch box right in time for lunch with her friends. And in time for the second Valentine’s party of the day. She’ll be there til I get her on the way home from Braska’s pick-up.
Then it was on to C School. I fed B in the car (lucky for me she loves greek yogurt. woo.) and in she went. Her buddy Jack is in her class at C School, and it was so funny to see him look up and see her walk in. Totally like, “Huh? What are YOU doing here?” She went right to the bead toys and activities and didn’t even look back to see where I was.
So I came to McDonald’s to spend an hour eating some lunch and waiting til time to return to Braska’s class Valentine’s Day party in a few minutes.
All fits just perfectly, right?!?
Tonight, I may collapse. But then again, this kind of day is more the norm than a rarity lately. I drive almost 100 miles a day often, and that’s not even leaving the county. Most of that is east and west and east and west on 70. Thankfully, most everything is right off of the interstate, which makes it easy. Just repetitive.
We’re going to get Daddy’s favorite pizza for dinner, watch Beauty and the Beast with the girls (their first time!) and head to bed early. Sounds like a lovely Valentine’s evening.
Time to head to the 3rd party of the day… hugs to all your valentines!
Saturday, February 9, 2013
4 short years ago
Me and my 2nd girl were just getting to know each other. I could not have dreamed how amazing this kid would be.
Big party this afternoon. Maybe I'll remember to get a new Mommy and Kinlee photo.