Although this is Braska's blog, several of you have been asking about my status, so I'll do a quick update on that along with her info. I saw my primary doctor here again today for a check on one of my laparoscopic wounds which is...let's say...not healing as well as the other three. I'll spare you further details. But it is a bit worrisome, so I thought I'd have it checked out before the weekend. He thinks the symptoms are not worth great concern at this point, but I'm glad I had him verify that. He did say to touch base early next week if things are not improved. And I'll still be seeing my surgeon for follow-up in St. Louis on 4/2. Overall, I'm doing well post surgery, although Braska has healed way faster than I have, for sure.
After her shots yesterday, she has had some minimal reaction in her leg, just the same as she did last time, which just causes her to be uncomfortable. So she was one grouchy little thing today, and she made sure that I got absolutely nothing done, work wise. We did go get her blood drawn, and although they still had to stick her twice, they did get enough on the second stick. This is good, as she is horrible to try to draw from... but she sure screamed more than ever before. There's that energy coming to play again.
She seems to be eating better today, but again, she was very fussy and that made things difficult with feeding too. I'm really hoping things improve overnight, since I'll have to be working all weekend to get caught up from the last two days. And that doesn't exactly make me the most pleasant person ever to be around, but I'm managing not to snap just yet.
I so hear you... I though I would be up and jumping around by now, or at least lifting my baby, but nope. Still in pain, and the stupid cut never seems to want to heal itself. At least Braska is doing well and healing up. The last pics of her scar looked amazing. Hope you feel better real soon.