Monday, August 26, 2013

Kinlee’s Pumpkin Plant

Toward the end of school last year, Kinlee came home from school with a tiny egg carton cup with a sprout in it. It was a pumpkin plant just starting.

Since I kill just about every plant of which I have had custody, we took it directly to Grandma C’s house.  They planted it in the back yard.

In about 4-6 weeks, it was a full-blown plant, and it had the first flower.

In July, the plant continued to grow. It was pretty amazing to see it get bigger so quickly.  Several flowers came and went, but finally we saw the first little pumpkin.


The plant was bigger than Kinlee in no time.

The pumpkin kept growing. And by early August, though still green, it was getting to look like a “real pumpkin.” 

As every good gardener should, Kinlee watered her plant when playing at Grandma C’s.  It’s turning orange, and that pleased her.  But do you see the size of that thing.  ALL of that green that’s below Kinlee’s shoulder height is that one little sprout of a plant grown BIG.

It’s neat to watch this grow.  It’s neat to think of the symbolism of the seed that was  planted, the sprout that was cared for and then re-planted in the right place, and the way that a little sprout put in the right environment can thrive more quickly than I can imagine. 

It’s a lot like the little sprout that brought that sprout home.  And we’re thankful for people like Mrs. S, who helped her plant that pumpkin seed while at school last year, and contributed to the planting of innumerable seeds of potential.kinleeface1

1 comment:

  1. Awww... Every year I think we're going to plant pumpkins and every year we fail. Love the analogy but not sure what going to happen to it around Halloween! :)


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